Practices & Land Stewardship

We are committed to fostering a culture of land stewardship where farmers care for the land not just for themselves but for future generations and for the countless species of wildlife and plants that live on it.

We spend a sizable amount of time managing areas of our farm that do not provide “economic returns” but provide ecological benefits, it is our responsibility to care for a landscape that is more permanent than ourselves, to bring back native species populations and create diverse, functioning ecological systems.

We practice informed and responsible use of tools and chemicals as supplements to a larger system designed to involve good rotation, cover crops, no-till and habitat areas to aid in attracting beneficial insects, suppress weeds, reduce petroleum usage and maintain organic matter/soil health. We maintain a high standard of purity for our seed crops because we believe that when planting native seeds and cover crops the customer deserves seed that is clean and will not bring unsuspected weeds into their planting. We work to manage weeds manually, through cultivation and with herbicides.

We do not take lightly the use of pesticides and fungicides (be they synthetic or organic compounds) and only use them if we determine there is not another viable option. If they are applied, careful attention is paid to time of day, wind and wetness to avoid harm to bees, other beings, or plants.

We are not Certified Organic, but this doesn’t mean we are not Ecological. You are welcome to ask how a specific crop has been grown and cared for.